Thursday, December 21, 2017

Phase 1 Environmental Reports - Pensacola, Tallahassee, Mobile

Caltha LLP provides expedited response Phase 1 environmental site assessment services to clients on northwest Florida and south Alabama, including areas surrounding:
  • Pensacola, Florida
  • Tallahassee, Florida
  • Mobile Alabama
Caltha provides certified environmental professionals meeting the qualifications of ASTM E1527. Phase 1 assessments are conducted to meet all Small Business Administration (SBA) environmental review requirements and meet the requirements of all major Lenders.
To request a quote for a Phase I environmental site assessment, click here and complete the Environmental Assessment Quote Request Form.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

ASTM E1903-11 Soil Vapor Intrusion Risk Investigation

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: SBA Vapor Intrusion Risk Study
National Bank
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Key Elements: Site investigation, subslab soil vapor testing, vapor encroachment, Small Business Administration loan

Overview: Caltha LLP conducted a Soil Vapor Intrusion Risk Assessment for this commercial property located in St. Paul. The Phase 1 assessment conducted a Tier I Vapor Encroachment Screening Assessment using ASTM E2600-10. This assessment determined that the potential for risks of vapor intrusion could not be screening out, therefore a Phase 2 vapor intrusion risk study was recommended.

An investigation approach was prepared which met the requirements of ASTM E1903-11 (Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process). Subslab soil gas samples were collected from inside the building. Results were compared to MPCA vapor intrusion screening values. Although some volatile organics were detected in subslab soil gas, all concentrations were below agency risk-based screening values.

Click here for more information on Caltha's SBA Environmental Review Services

Monday, October 2, 2017

Geoprobe Investigation of Former Bulk Fueling and Maintenance Facility

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: Phase 2 Soil & Groundwater Limited Site Investigation
 Regional Bank

Key Elements: Geoprobe survey; soil sampling; groundwater sampling

Overview: Caltha LLP was retained by a regional bank to conduct a Phase 2 investigation on a property located in central Minnesota. A Phase 1 ESA had revealed that a bulk fueling operation and heavy truck maintenance facility had been operated on the site, which had been demolished prior to redevelopment. No records of tank closure or demolition records could be located.

The site investigation included soil borings in the area of bulk fuel tanks, along the foot print of the maintenance building and downgradient of these areas to detect if past petroleum releases had occurred.

Click here to review more example project summaries for Caltha LLP site assessment services.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Environmental Due Diligence Audit of Mississippi Facility

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: Techncial Support for Environmental Due Diligence During Corporate Merger
National Food Ingredient Manufacturer/External Legal Counsel

Key Elements: Technical support to resolve issues related to due diligence assessments, environmental compliance audit, Phase I ESA

Overview: Caltha LLP provided expert technical support to this national food manufacturing corporation through their external legal counsel. Work was to provide expert technical reviews and consultant services related to due diligence performed by the merger partner consultant. Issues were related to resolving Recognized Environmental Conditions, conformance to the new ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-13, and obligations related to shared environmental permits for air emissions, wastewater and stormwater.

For more information on Caltha LLP due diligence and merger/acquisition support services, go to the Caltha Contact Page

Board Certified Due Diligence Auditors Available For Environmental and Safety Audits

Caltha LLP provides IAA-BEAC certified auditors to perform EH&S audits to support due diligence for organizations or to support routine internal audit programs implemented as part of an overall governance system. Caltha can provide:
  • Single auditors to support audit teams as a media or regulatory expert,
  • Audit teams to address multiple program areas, or
  • Due diligence auditors / audit teams.
Caltha auditors can act as adjunct auditors to augment your existing internal audit team, or can act as an independent third party auditor.

Caltha auditors have conducted assessments in all 50 US States, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia.

Click here for more information on Caltha Compliance Audit, Management System Audit and Due Diligence Assessment services

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Soil and Groundwater Investigation In South Dakota

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: Tank Farm Investigation
Agricultural Production Sector
South Dakota

Key Elements: Phase 2 Investigation, leaking tank, SPCC requirements

Overview: Caltha LLP was retained by a potential investor group to conduct a Phase 2 Limited Site Investigation (LSI) at this large farm site. During a Phase 1 Environmental Site Investigation, visual evidence of past leaks and spills were identified within the tank farm. Due to recent changes to Federal Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) rules which would require above ground tanks at agricultural facilities to comply with SPCC rule, the tank farm was expected to require upgrades. The key question was what cost impact would be expected during tank farm upgrade to address existing contamination. The results of the investigation provided clarity to the potential investors on the range of cost impacts.

Leaking Fuel Tanks And Cracked Secondary Containment 
At Refueling Station

For more information on Caltha LLP services, go to the Caltha Contact Page

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Soil And Groundwater Investigation For IA Equipment Manufacturer

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: Phase II Site Investigation
National Equipment Manufacturer

Key Elements: Phase 2 Environmental Assessment, Soil sampling, Groundwater sampling, Spill Prevention Review

Overview: This Iowa-based equipment manufacturer relied on Caltha LLP to conduct a Phase 2 investigation of their manufacturer site. A Phase 1 ESA conducted by a third party had identified potential issues with the historical use of the site, a 90-day hazardous waste storage area, and several waste tanks. Caltha conducted soil borings and collected soil and groundwater samples at the site. The assessment also included a review of current spill prevention and response procedures in the facility RCRA Contingency Plan and SPCC Plan The results showed no evidence that spills or leaks of hazardous chemicals had occurred at the site in the past.

For more information on Caltha LLP services, go to the Caltha Contact Page

Assessing Environmental Risks & Controls For The Financial Professional

Professional Development Opportunity

Assessing Business Risks & Controls For The Financial Professional - Environmental Risks

Caltha LLP is offering a "lunch & learn" opportunity for financial sector organizations on the basics of environmental risks/environmental liabilities. The 30-min session places key environmental-related risks in the context of assessing business risks and the various controls to manage these risks. This training opportunity is particularly relevant to business bankers and commercial lenders dealing with real estate, and those lenders participating in SBA or other government backed lending programs.

To preview content, go to:

These sessions can be scheduled at your location or can be setup as a live webinar format. This session is being offered through December 2017.

For further information or to schedule a session, email  or call (763) 208-6430.

Changes To Dioxane Regulation In Michigan

Michigan DEQ is proposing an amendment to the Cleanup Criteria Rules for 1,4-dioxane. Due to the impending expiration of the Emergency Rule and the anticipated timeline for the comprehensive Part 201 Cleanup Criteria Rule amendment package, the DEQ is moving forward with the 1,4-dioxane rule to preserve the agency's ability to use the best available scientific information regarding 1,4-dioxane for the residential drinking water pathway at sites throughout the state. The public comment was August 1st - August 22nd with a public hearing for the proposed rule held on August 22, 2017.

Caltha LLP assists Sellers, prospective Buyers and their Lenders in meeting Due Diligence, Environmental Site Assessment and Environmental Review requirements. To request a quote on-line, go to Caltha Environmental Assessment Quote Web Page.
For further information contact Caltha LLP at or Caltha LLP Website

Changes To Vapor Intrusion Screening In Michigan

MDEQ has proposed to use a new tiered process for vapor intrusion, as recommended by the CSA. The Soil and Groundwater Volatilization to Indoor Air Criteria (SVIIC or GVIIC) in the 2013 rules are replaced by the Volatilization to Indoor Air Screening Levels and Criteria in the proposed rules. The proposed Volatilization to Indoor Air Screening Levels and Criteria protect for chronic exposures, in general, but also protect for acute toxicity for those volatile hazardous substances that have short-term health effects .

The tiered approach will reduce the number of site-specific evaluations that require a Department review by providing “off-ramps” at each tier:

VI Tier 1:
  • Initial generic screening levels.
  • Exceedances do not result in facility status, and DEQ will not use this Tier to require remedial action.
  • If exceeded, further assessment through the tiered process is needed.
VI Tier 2:
  • Incorporates facility-specific geologic and hydrogeological conditions
  • Compliance with VI Tier 2 criteria results in unrestricted residential closure.
  • Exceedances result in facility status.
VI Tier 3A:
  • Incorporates land use and building-specific information for generic criteria.
  • Identifies the need for response activity or a site-specific evaluation completed in VI Tier 3B.
VI Tier 3B:
  • Site-specific alternative approach.
  • Requires Department approval to implement.

Click here for more information on Caltha's services related to site assessment, site cleanup and redevelopment.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

SBA Phase I Environmental Assessment And Reliance Letter For Minnesota Bank

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: Phase 1 ESA To Meet SBA Environmental Review Requirements
National Bank
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Key Elements:
Phase 1 ESA, SBA Environmental Policy, SBA Reliance Letter
Overview: Caltha LLP was retained by this national bank to conduct a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment to meet the requirements of the US Small Business Administration (SBA) loan guarantee program. A Phase I report was issued to the Lender and a standard SBA Reliance Letter was issued to the SBA. The Phase 1 report was reviewed and approved by SBA.

Caltha LLP assists Sellers, prospective Buyers and their Lenders in meeting Due Diligence, Environmental Site Assessment and Environmental Review requirements. To request a quote on-line, go to Caltha Environmental Assessment Quote Web Page.
For further information contact Caltha LLP at or Caltha LLP Website

Phase 1, Phase 2 Investigations and Site Cleanup For Former Minneapolis Gas Station

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: Site Remediation For Redevelopment of Former Gas Station
Location(s): Minnesota

Key Elements: Site investigations, Response Action Plan, Oversight of corrective actions

Overview: This former filling station was located in Minneapolis, Minnesota and was planned to be demolished to construct a new mixed used retail/restaurant building. A Response Action Plan (RAP) was prepared by Caltha to address potential petroleum impacts associated with the former use of the property that might be encountered during excavation activities. During excavation, it was discovered that the building had been constructed on top of an ash waste dump. Caltha quickly prepared a supplemental RAP to address removal, handling and disposal of the lead-contaminated ash during excavation and got the RAP approved through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation & Cleanup (VIC) program. Caltha coordinated all waste analyses required to gain waste acceptance at a disposal site. Ash was removed from the site and redevelopment of the property preceded as planned.

For more information on Caltha LLP services, go to the Caltha Contact Page

Response Action Plan and Construction Monitoring To Address Soil Contamination

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project:Site Investigation, Response Action Under Voluntary Site Cleanup Program
Site Redevelopment Company

Key Elements: Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, Phase 2 Limited Site Investigation, Response Action Plan

Overview: Caltha LLP was retained by a site redevelopment company to conduct a Phase I ESA on this previously developed property. The assessment determined that past chemical releases had occurred on the property due to historical industrial activity on the property. A Phase 2 investigation was conducted which confirmed that contamination was present which would need to be addressed during the demolition and redevelopment of the site. Caltha prepared a Response Action Plan to be implemented during site redevelopment, which as approved by the State agency. Caltha then oversaw implementation of the RAP in coordination with the redevelopment contractor.

For more information on Caltha LLP services, go to the Caltha Contact Page

Phase 1 Environmental Assessment For Duluth, Minnesota Historical Industrial Site

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: Phase 1 ESA
Property Owner
Duluth, Minnesota

Key Elements: Phase 1, Environmental Assessment, All Appropriate Inquiry

Overview: Caltha LLP was retained by the property owner to conduct a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for their property located in Duluth, Minnesota. Historical records indicated that the property was in industrial use from at least 1910 through 1970s. The assessment was conducted to meet the requirements of ASTM E-1527-13 and the US EPA All Appropriate Inquiry requirements. The assessment determined based on historical records where past industrial activities and bulk fuel storage occurred on the property.

For more information on Caltha LLP services, go to the Caltha Contact Page

Iowa Due Diligence Audit | Risk Management Plan Assessment

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: Due Diligence RMP Focused Compliance Audit of Cold Storage Facility
National Food Processing Company

Key Elements: Due Diligence, Environmental compliance audit, Multimedia compliance audit, Accidental Release Prevention, Risk Management Program

Overview: Caltha LLP was retained by a national food processing company to conduct a multimedia environmental compliance audit of this cold storage facility as part of its due diligence. The scope of the audit covered all media including wastes, hazardous waste, wastewater, hazardous materials, DOT HazMat and air emissions. Due to the use of anhydrous ammonia refrigerant systems, the facility was subject to the Accidental Release Prevention provisions of 40 CFR 68. The majority of the audit was to review operations for compliance with the requirements of the Risk Management Program and Process Safety Management. This included conformance with the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration guidelines. Caltha provided IIA certified auditors to conduct the review.

For more information on Caltha LLP services, go to the Caltha Contact Page

Tank Farm Phase 2 Investigation At South Dakota Farm Operation

Caltha LLP Project Summary

Project: Tank Farm Investigation
Agricultural Production Sector
South Dakota

Key Elements: Phase 2 Investigation, leaking tank, SPCC requirements

Overview: Caltha LLP was retained by a potential investor group to conduct a Phase 2 Limited Site Investigation (LSI) at this large farm site. During a Phase 1 Environmental Site Investigation, visual evidence of past leaks and spills were identified within the tank farm. Due to recent changes to Federal Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) rules which would require above ground tanks at agricultural facilities to comply with SPCC rule, the tank farm was expected to require upgrades. The key question was what cost impact would be expected during tank farm upgrade to address existing contamination. The results of the investigation provided clarity to the potential investors on the range of cost impacts.

For more information on Caltha LLP services, go to the Caltha Contact Page

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Five Things Every Commercial Lender Should Know About Environmental Liabilities

Accepting a property with known or potential environmental issues as collateral creates special challenges for the commercial lender. This could include properties with old tanks and old spills or leaks - even those that may long ago been have been cleaned up and closed by State agencies.
Although more challenging, such properties can be addressed in a reasonable time frame, while minimizing the potential liabilities for the Lender.

Five key points the commercial Lender must keep in mind are :

1 - Old Issues - Even "Closed" Issues Can Effect The Value Of The Asset.

For the Lender, the key risk to be managed is the potential that contamination on a property can have a material impact on the property value, and/or make the property less marketable in the event the Lender comes to own the property due to foreclosure. Old issues can directly affect the future use of a property. When old contamination issues are "closed" by agencies, it is common that restrictions are put in place that limit the future use of the property, or that require further cleanup if any redevelopment of the site is planned. This can reduce the value of the property to prospective Buyers.

2 - If The Lender Ends Up Owning A Tank, They Own The Liabilities.

In most States, laws protect Lenders from being financially responsible to investigate and cleanup contamination on a property they acquired through foreclosure. The exception is for tanks that remain on the property. The responsibility for investigations and cleanup of leaking tanks falls to the "owner" of the tank, which is typically the property owner. If a Lender comes to own tanks on a property due to foreclosure, the Lender may be responsible to remove the tanks, and if leaking tanks are discovered, the Lender may be directly responsible for the remediation Therefore, Lenders need to pay particular attention to tanks left on a property, especially if tanks have been abandoned in-place.

3 - Plan Ahead For  You And Your Borrower  To Obtain Liability Protections.

If you or your Borrower require liability relief letters, such as a no further action or no association letter, you will need to factor in the time required for these issues to be addressed. It is important to remember that agencies will issue these letter only if contamination is actually documented on the property, not simply based on the possibility that contamination could be present. Therefore, in some cases a site investigation needs to be conducted. As an example, a typical scenario might be:2 weeks - Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
3-5 weeks - Phase 2 Investigation
1 week - Prepare and submit request to agency
4 weeks - Agency review and issuance of letter
Therefore it is not unusual for it to take 10-12 weeks to go through the process.

4 - "Closed" Or "No Further Action" Does Not Mean "Clean"

When agencies issue a closure letter, no further action letter, or similar, they will often allow some contamination to remain on the property. The agency has simply concluded that the remaining contamination does not pose a significant risk to human health or the environment - under the existing conditions. These determinations are always "as-is, where-is" determinations. This does not mean that the agency has determined the site to be clean or that future uses or redevelopment of the property will not require further investigation and cleanup.

5 - Unfortunately New Issues Can Be Discovered.

One of the most challenging situations is when new contamination issues are uncovered, especially coming from neighboring properties. Leaking tanks and other sources of contamination are newly discovered each year, which can create additional issues which may need to be resolved between the Lender, the Borrower and the State agency. In addition, over time cleanup standards can change and new information on risks from contamination can "reopen" some closed issues. One example is the current interest in "soil vapor encroachment"; many leaking tank sites that were closed prior to 2010 were not evaluated to determine if contaminants are migrating though soils and into nearby buildings. Although these sites may be closed, they can be reopened to address soil vapors. Therefore, evaluations of soil vapor intrusion have become increasingly common, especially since 2013.
By understanding the process, the Lender can play an important role in transforming these formerly contaminated properties into usable and marketable properties, increasing their value and the value of nearby properties. And at the same time, manage the Lender's future liabilities.

For more information go to:
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Buyer's Guide
Regulatory Briefing - Landowner Liability Protections and All Appropriate Inquiry