Sunday, August 7, 2016

Vapor Intrusion Investigations In Minnesota Using MPCA Vapor Encroachment Guidelines

In 2013, US EPA determined that exposure due to vapor intrusion, also referered to as vapor encroachment, needed to be evaluated prior to closure of federal CERCLA sites. In response, many States now include vapor intrusion in site investigations for closure of LUST, LAST and voluntary cleanup sites run by the State. In practice, this has resulted in reassessment of numerous closed sites, and investigation of soil vapor on nearby sites.

Caltha LLP provides expert technical support to conduct vapor intrusion investigations in Minnesota in conformance with MPCA guidelines and soil vapor intrusion screening values. Caltha conducts Tier I Vapor Encroachment Screening Assessment in accordance with ASTM Standard  E2600-10.

Caltha LLP assists Sellers, prospective Buyers and their Lenders in meeting Due Diligence, Environmental Site Assessment and Environmental Review requirements. To request a quote on-line, go to Caltha Environmental Assessment Quote Web Page.
For further information contact Caltha LLP at or Caltha LLP Website

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