Thursday, October 18, 2012

Voting Begins On Revised ASTM E1527 Phase I ESA Standard

A ballot version of the ASTM E1527 Phase I ESA Standard including potential changes was opened up to vote by the E50 committee on September 17, 2012. Voting is open through mid-October.

 According to ASTM bylaws, standards must be reviewed, updated and voted upon every 8 years or else are left to “sunset,” becoming invalid. While the E1527 task group did have the option to make no changes to the standard and simply put it out for committee vote, the group believes that clarifying language in various sections of the standard would be helpful. It is important to note that none of the changes are intended to change the spirit of the standard that was written in 2005.

Some of the changes being proposed include:

  • The term Migration has been added to the definitions sections. Within the definition, there is note of the ASTM E2600-10 vapor encroachment standard
  • Clarifications to the Recognized Environmental Conditions (REC) definition along with the Historical REC definition. A new type of REC has also been added, the Controlled REC
  • Enhanced descriptions of what is required of the User of the report, and why it is important
  • Further explanation the requirements to review agency files when they might help to make REC determinations

There are also numerous of other editorial changes being proposed for the 2013 version. Following the balloting period, the task group will meet in Atlanta on October 23 during the semi-annual ASTM Committee Week meetings.

FAQ: How Often Does A Phase 1 Report Need To Be Updated?

Caltha LLP assists Sellers, prospective Buyers and their Lenders in meeting Due Diligence, Environmental Site Assessment and Environmental Review requirements.
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Monday, October 8, 2012

Certain LUST Clean Up Allowed Under Ohio EPA Voluntary Action Program VAP

Ohio EPA will now allow some Underground Storage Tank Cleanups to be included in the Voluntary Action Program (VAP). The cleanups are for Class C or “orphan” tanks. Since enactment of Senate Bill 294, which became effective on September 3, 2012, additional Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulation (BUSTR) release sites are now also eligible for the VAP. These include sites with BUSTR UST releases where the volunteer is not a responsible party, as defined by BUSTR, or the subject of a BUSTR administrative order or referral to the Attorney General’s Office.

In addition, the property on which the UST release exists must include other non-BUSTR hazardous substances that are being addressed under the VAP.

Caltha LLP assists Sellers, prospective Buyers and their Lenders in meeting Due Diligence, Environmental Site Assessment and Environmental Review requirements.
To request a quote on-line, go to Caltha Environmental Assessment Quote Web Page.

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